Monday, September 6, 2010

New clay charms i'm working on!

I'm still not sure what to make them all into,
so far i've made a necklace an a keychain.

There are more on the way, i'm making some small soot aswell, and ponyo charms! and also one of jiji  from kiki's delivery service.

There's a good chance i'm going to start a contest, and give away one of the charms as a prize :-)

I'll keep you updated!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Fanart of the week!

I started a group on deviant art with the same name, and so far 24 people joined! (just opened two days ago!)

There are already many great pieces of fanart and crafts, and here are some of my fav's:

1:  ".:O R A N G E:. " by Squidisms

2:  "Totoro is hungry" by givemewings3

3:  "TOTORO" by tavington

4: "Hello I'm Chihiro" by chocowaffle

5: "Ponyo has Ham - Plushie" by CuteGio

6: "Spirited Away Sticker Set" by curry23


Thursday, September 2, 2010

More bags!

Here are some more bags i made, all of them about the same size (small but cute)
Embroidered with felt, i sewed the felt on the fabric, then added details with embroidery, and the last stage is to make it into a bag:

Kodama bag!

The tree spirits from Princess Mononoke

They were fun to make!

Kodama friends close up!

For the love of ghibli!

This blog is dedicated to all studio ghibli fans out there!

I love all of the movies, a friend of mine got me hooked.
And  love to make crafts, like sewing, with a ghibli themed :-)

The first thing i made was this bag:

I put it up on etsy, and it sold really quickly!!
I'm so proud!


(it's here:

I got my sister to post for it

I'm in love with the fabric!
Just bought more, it's a happy shade of grey :-)

(that's of course where the logo came from)